Restoration period of english literature pdf

One such peak for the english language was the early modern period of the 16th to 18th century, a period sometimes referred to as the golden age of english literature other peaks include the industrial revolution of the late 18th and early 19th century, and the computer and digital age of the late 20th century, which is still continuing today. Restoration drama and prose literature major english meropaper hseb restoration drama. The monarchy was restored in 1660 under charles ii. John miltons paradise lost which tells the epic tale of the banishment of man from the garden of edenwas published during this period though milton himself was a bit of an outsider to the restoration literary scene, because he identified as a puritan. The restoration period has given us some of the most important religious literature in the english language. The british restoration period 1660 1798 also known as the augustan age, the neoclassical period, the enlightenment, and the age of reason i. In english literature the period from 1660 to 1700 is called the period of restoration, because monarchy was restored in england, and charles ii, the son of charles i who had been defeated and beheaded, came back to england from his exile in france and. This restoration brought about a revolutionary change in social life and literature. Dryden was the representative writer of this period. Among the leading aesthetic innovators of this era were the composer igor stravinsky, the cubist pablo picasso, and. Betterton was born in or around the year 1635 in london, england. During the old english period, written literature began to develop from oral. Historically speaking, the period is rather homogenious and in many ways it seems to be mirroring the. Another of the twentieth centurys defining features is radical artistic experiment.

The old english period or the anglosaxon period refers to the literature produced from the invasion of celtic england by germanic tribes in the first half of the fifth century to the conquest of england in 1066 by william the conqueror. The restoration refers to the restoration of the monarchy when charles ii was restored to the throne of england following an elevenyear commonwealth period during which the country was governed by parliament under the direction of the puritan general oliver cromwell. Thus the nation welcomed the restoration of charles ii. It was a literary epoch that featured the rapid development of.

Read the synopsis and portions of a modest proposal. History of english literature pdf included periods of. It is very often used to cover the whole reign of charles ii 16601685 and often the brief reign of his younger brother james ii 16851688. The men are splendidly brave and the women are shown wonderfully. Pdf the beginnings of british literature old english. Literary criticism implies the intellectual capacity to evaluate and understand the literary text, the analysis of particular works being the main aim of literary criticism, but, though achieved by most of the critics prior to the twentieth century.

Restoration literature english literary period britannica. After the restoration in 1660, when charles ii came to the throne, there was a complete repudiation of the puritan ideals and way of living. This period is generally regarded as the greatest in the history of english literature. Augustan literature sometimes referred to misleadingly as georgian literature is a style of british literature produced during the reigns of queen anne, king george i, and george ii in the first half of the 18th century and ending in the 1740s, with the deaths of alexander pope and jonathan swift, in 1744 and 1745, respectively. For others, it excited the desire to celebrate kingship and even to turn the events of the new reign into signs of a divinely ordained. This lesson explores what is known as the restoration era of english literature, which lasted from 1660 to about 1688. The monarchical restoration was accompanied by the reopening of english theatres that were closed during.

It was george etheredge who introduced comedy of manners. The age of dryden a website with detailed analyses of the literary, cultural, and political aspects of the restoration period. This period marks the british kings restoration to the throne after a long period of puritan domination in england. The cambridge history of english and american literature.

The poetries and dramas were prospered more, in particular. Complete english literature restoration period quiz on moodle. Read the synopsis and portions of one of oliver goldsmiths plays. The restoration of king charles ii in 1660 marks the beginning of a new era both in the life and the literature of england. Restoration literature is the english literature written during the historical period commonly referred to as the english restoration 16601689, which corresponds to the last years of stuart reign in england, scotland, wales, and ireland. Political, social and economic background to restoration england. In certain contexts it may be used to cover the whole period of the later stuart monarchs as far as the death of. Samples of prescriptiv e criticism in english literature 106 periods reverence for the classics, dennis argues t hat a strict adherence to. The restoration and the eighteenth century the period from 1660. Restoration literature is the english literature written during the historical period commonly referred to as the english restoration 16601689, which. Old english literature, or anglosaxon literature, encompasses the surviving literature written in old english in anglosaxon england, in the period after the settlement of the saxons and other germanic tribes in england jutes and the angles c. The course in the form of lectures aims at giving a survey of literary trends in the period beginning with the restoration and ending with 18thcentury new sensibility. Poets of this time include robert and elizabeth barrett browning, christina rossetti, alfred lord tennyson, and matthew arnold, among others. Choose from 500 different sets of restoration english literature flashcards on quizlet.

It generously fed the publics appetite for broad satire, high style, and a licentiousness that justified the worst puritan imaginings. For some, the restoration of king charles ii in 1660 led many to a painful revaluation of the political hopes and millenarian expectations bred during two decades of civil war and republican government. The major writers will be introduced with their major works of literature. The literature tendencies of the restoration age in the. The restoration age 16601700 the period from 1660 to 1700 is known as the restoration period or the age of dryden because monarchy was restored in england. The term restoration is also used to describe the period of several years after, in which a new political settlement was established. Hindi lecture on restoration age and neoclassical age fornta net, dsssb,tgt, pgt, kv, lt grade exams duration. Read this article to know about the background of restoration period, characteristics of restoration period, restoration period summary, restoration age. Rochester and dryden womens writing a nd women writing in the restoration period restoration drama. Some literary historians speak of the period as bounded by the reign of charles ii 166085, while others prefer to include within its scope the writings produced during the reign of james ii 168588, and even literature of the 1690s is often spoken.

The victorian period is in strong contention with the romantic period for being the most popular, influential, and prolific period in all of english and world literature. Restoration comedy reveals both the influence of french farce the english court spent its exile in france and of jacobean comedy. The literature of this period imitated that of the age of caesar augustus, writers such as horace and virgil, with classical influences appearing prevalent in poetry. Restoration drama and prose literature major english.

Thomas betterton is widely regarded as the greatest actor of the english restoration period. The restoration period of english literature roughly lasts from 1660 to 1688. The restoration and the eighteenth century the period from 1660when the english crown was restored as charles ii became king to 1800 saw the vast transformation of english society and english politics as well as significant developments within english literature. And we hope a course using literature of the reformation era. His famous plays are she would if she could, the man of mode and love in a tub. The period from 1660 to 1700 is named as the restoration period. Wordsworth, coleridge, byron, shelly and keats are the major romantic poets. Literary features of the age, prose, poetry and drama of the period.

The english restoration begins under invitation by leaders of the english commonwealth, charles ii, the exiled king of england, lands at dover, england, to assume the throne and end 11 years of. In general, the term is used to denote roughly homogenous styles of literature that centre on a celebration of or reaction to the restored court of. Restoration period produced a brilliant group of dramatists who made this age immortal in the history of english literature. The drama, especially comedy of manners proved to be one of the most important genres in the restoration era. Learn restoration english literature with free interactive flashcards. The period begins with the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 bringing. Three most important and remarkable writers of that period are william shakespeare, christopher marlowe, and ben jonson. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising.

The period begins with the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 bringing charles ii from his exile in france. Commercial prosperity and global trade increased for britain. Politically, the era followed nearly two decades of civil unrest and war. Its symptoms include the dominance of french and classical influences on poetry and drama. It begins with charles ii returning to the throne following the rule of various republican governments that ruled england from 1649 to 1659 after charles i was executed. Charles ii comes to the throne from exile, he is later followed by his brother james ii who is eventually deposed and exiled as a result of the glorious revolution of 1688. The period from 1660 to 1700 is known as the restoration period or the age of dryden. English literature english literature the restoration. Read the restoration period of the literature periods summary in the verity study guide. Some literary historians speak of the period as bounded by the reign of charles ii 166085, while others prefer to include within its scope the writings produced during the reign. Read the synopsis and portions of the rape of the lock. John miltons paradise lostwhich tells the epic tale of the banishment of man from the garden of edenwas published during this period though milton himself was a bit of an outsider to the restoration literary scene, because he identified as a puritan.

Restoration literature, english literature written after the restoration of the monarchy in 1660 following the period of the commonwealth. Restoration period in english history english summary. It started developing after reopening of the theatres in 1660. Literature also changed, the theatres reopened and the new dramas were written. The restoration and the 18th century english literature i. A brief history of english literature literary theory. Prose writers and novelists romanticismit designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience. The cynical decadence of the age was alien to the spirit of the elizabethan romantic comedy. Literature of the reformation era gives the website addresses of the literature so students wanting to study certain works more in depth may do so. The people of england were suffering from tension due to strict rule of cromwell. Restoration through 18thcentury english literature dr. The anglosaxon chronicle otherwise proves significant to study of the era, preserving a chronology of early english. Pdf version by solitude among the most important works of this period is the poem beowulf, which has achieved national epic status in britain. The boundarybreaking art, literature, and music of the first decades of the century are the subject of the topic modernist experiment.